Short for high efficiency particulate air, a HEPA filter is a type of ultra-fine mesh mechanical filter that traps airborne allergens such as dust mites, pet dander, mold, bac...
For most air filters, it is typically recommended they be changed every 30-60 days. But there are some factors that affect your general air quality, like having pets, smoking...
The two main components of an air conditioner are the condenser and the evaporator coil. An evaporator coil is a vital part of the cooling system because it removes heat from...
Preventative Maintenance keeps your heating, air conditioning and air quality control systems in top working order. Even if you haven't had a problem yet, your heating and...
You may be thinking about whether or not it’s time to purchase a new furnace for a number of reasons like sky-high energy bills, inconsistent heating, weak or no heating...